
How to Set Up a Trust for Your Children Right Now

How to Set Up a Trust for Your Child Right Now

Need to set up a trust for your child right now? As a parent, it is good for you to create a plan for distributing your assets in the case of your untimely passing. Part of that involves setting up a trust for your children. In a trust, you can choose a trustee who oversees such…

washington state death tax

What You Need to Know about the Death Tax in Washington State

What do you need to know about the death tax in Washington state? Nobody wants to pay more taxes than they must. If you die without properly preparing for Washington estate tax you will be paying more in taxes and leaving less to your heirs. The Difference between an Inheritance Tax and an Estate Tax…

Why You Need an Attorney to Write Your Will

Why You Need an Attorney to Write Your Will

Do you need an attorney to write your will? Most people can benefit from a will. It outlines your wishes on what should happen to your assets after you pass and leaves less room for interpretation by family members to guess what you would have wanted.  Anyone can get a will, whether you are young…


What is Probate Court and When Does an Estate Go through It?

What is probate court and when does an estate go through it? Probate court is a court that deals exclusively with the assets and liabilities of the estate of one who has died. A judge oversees the probate process and ensures all creditors are paid, then ensures assets are distributed by the estate plan or…