How To Get, Create, or Choose a Health Care Proxy
How to choose a health care proxy? Planning for your long-term care allows you to decide what you would like to happen if, at some point in the future, you are incapacitated and unable to make decisions for yourself. With documents like a living will, you can state what you would like doctors to do…
How Long Does Probate Take Without a Will?
How long does probate take without a will? Dealing with the loss of a loved one is already a difficult process, so it’s easy to get frustrated when it comes to going through probate too. This lengthy and often difficult process can add even more stress to your life. The probate process is one in…
Estate Planning for Minimalists
What is estate planning for minimalists? Minimalism is a lifestyle that means living and thriving on the bare essentials. You can use minimalism principles throughout your life, from your home to future plans. An important way to prepare for your future with minimalism is to plan your estate. How should minimalists approach estate planning? Let’s dive…
How to Set Up a Trust for Your Child Right Now
Need to set up a trust for your child right now? As a parent, it is good for you to create a plan for distributing your assets in the case of your untimely passing. Part of that involves setting up a trust for your children. In a trust, you can choose a trustee who oversees such…
What is Probate Court and When Does an Estate Go through It?
What is probate court and when does an estate go through it? Probate court is a court that deals exclusively with the assets and liabilities of the estate of one who has died. A judge oversees the probate process and ensures all creditors are paid, then ensures assets are distributed by the estate plan or…